The title says it all. This summer, I've been digging into more writing things and omg, there is always something a writer can be doing. Some people may think writers just sit, write a story, and watch it magically get published from their desk at home where money literally starts raining down from their ceiling.
But sadly that's not the case.
Querying and trying to get published on its own takes so much work. There's so many things you have to do to get contacts and to get your foot in the door. That's what I've been working on lately. I landed an intern role at an agency which is a big accomplishment for me. I'll learn so much and I can't wait. But on top of that, I'm overwhelming myself trying to do everything else. I got Twitter and I'm trying to connect with other writers on every social media site there is. I got Goodreads to start reviews and start challenging myself to read best-sellers of 2022 so that I can become a better writer by reading and also get some good ideas for comp titles.
Let's see. I'm also trying to plan to attend a writing conference soon. And I also paid fifty bucks for an agent consultation to give me advice on my query. AND I want to submit writing for contests and try to work for a literary magazine and/or get fiction pieces published on there.
It's all so much, and all of this is only the marketing part of writing. On top of this, I have revisions and actual writing to do. I have school starting soon where I have clubs and all kinds of other stuff going on.
Come fall, I'm going to be incredibly busy. I'm starting to listen to everyone telling me ambitiousness can be a flaw if you overuse it. I need to take some things down a notch and work on a few things at a time. I'm trying to do everything at once and it's simply not working out.
Right now I'm sitting at work planning how to not do too much. It's about as hard as cutting down 10k words to a novel, and it's going to be painful saying goodbye to certain things I've been working on. But it isn't a forever goodbye, and considering I'll be saving my sanity, I think it's safe to say it's the right thing to do.
I'm not even making myself write a blog next week. Next week is my vacation week. I know it'll be hard to relax, but I'm going to treat relaxation like it's a task. And I complete all my tasks . . .
