Back to School :) + :( = :):)
Just thought I'd make this week's blog about something I'm sure everyone can relate to. August. And how freaking busy it is. I just finished my calendar for the month and I'm not sure I'm going to survive. I got appointments to get done, school shopping and packing to do, moving in to do, social things with friends to do, more dates to go on, and on top of it all, I'm not even going to be home next week. I'll be in Tennessee; there's nothing like a last minute family vacation . . . and an 8 hour car ride in the back with your twin siblings and your grandma (I feel worse for my grandma). We go to Tennessee every year, but as soon as I get back, I have two days of training for the MSU Peer Body Project to be a leader, and then it's practically time for school to start. AND this weekend I'm going up north to see my grandpa. The one on my dad's side, the savage one. Side note: went to the apple store recently and got another compliment about my cool last name haha.
Confession, I may just be blogging about this because I'm selfish and I really need to write everything out to get organized and to convince myself I'm going to get through everything. I'm someone that carries a planner like it's my baby; I safeguard it with my life.
Some may call me a workaholic but it's only because I believe in small goals turning into long term ones. So if I ever want to get published as an author, there's a ton of small things I have to do to get there. I'm still waiting to hear back for my interview; I could possibly be an intern at an agency. And I work on my marketing. And of course I'm always novel writing. The one thing I need to do is start reading more books on craft in addition to free reading. I feel like there's always something I can be working on and it's so stressful to think about.
When the school year comes, I'm sure everyone can relate, it's going to be insane. I'll have to be doing my writing on the side while I have classes, extracurriculars, running, etc.
I'm one of those people who has to make progress every day and be productive to be happy. Sitting and watching TV is amazing but when I do it for too long I start to get depressed because I feel like I'm not getting anywhere in my life. Some people are great at relaxing; it's a skill I need to work on lol.
I'm taking four classes this fall; two are psychology-based courses and two involve creative writing. I'm sure I'll enjoy them. I'm just not looking forward to being busy all the time if you know what I mean. This year I'm forcing myself to cut out half of my extracurriculars though and focus on some good ones because I need any free time I can get. The good thing is I have a student job so I'm able to work on my writing and my school work while I'm getting paid. It's very nice.
That's basically the run down. Balancing social life and academic life is like being all the Marvel superheroes in one but mostly Iron Man because he's the best one. And Spider-Man.
I go to MSU and I'm going to be a junior (ahh I'm getting old, I turn 21 this November! Ahh!). I'm staying at Cedarview with my friends I met last year and oh boy, I know what you're thinking. It's the apartment complex where all the drunk college kids with no frontal lobe functioning sit on burning couches on live TV after the Michigan or Ohio State game (or any game). Nope, that's close to where I live but not the place with the big reputation. I enjoy watching the burning couches from afar, not participating lol.
So yeah. Theoretically, there's plenty to be anxious about this fall. There's always plenty to worry about. But I have a feeling it's going to be a great year. Simply because junior year is so notorious for being the worst year, it makes me want to make it my best one.
For everyone else in my shoes, I wish ya luck. The school year may be hectic and there may be a lot going on, but there's also a lot being done and a lot of fun times.
Surviving is a given. But living? Now that's something you gotta make happen! Unless you're a broke college student and don't have time. Jk.
