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Mondays are slow, despised days that anyone in school would veto if they had the choice. Even though Sunday is technically the first day of the week, growing up, I've always thought it was Monday; Monday is when you have to take back your breakup with your alarm clock; it's the one relationship you aren't allowed to leave, if you want to be successful.

Whether Mondays suck because you woke up hungover or because your thoughts kept you up the entire night, they still suck.

If you were to personify all the days of the week, Monday would be that one friend who jumps on your bed to wake you up and who you have no problem hanging out with once a week but would rather not see every single day. Monday is more an acquaintance than a best friend.

If you think about it though, it's not necessarily Monday's fault, but it's her home's fault. Where she is positioned is the real problem. If we kicked Monday out of the week and forced her to become an outlaw, then Tuesday would simply take her place.

My solution is to stop naming the days. Stop blaming Monday and stop giving credit to Friday. Why are we giving other people credit for our days when we could be making each day our own? We can make Mondays fun, can't we?


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