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The Key to Being Successful

Today I'm probably going to tell you something you already know. I'm sorry to annoy you with the same advice plenty of people have given you before, but it takes hearing it again and again to stick. When you think about the people who are mega successful in today's world, you think of Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey. If you're me, you think of Taylor Swift. There are so many different types of successful out there, but I believe there's one commonality between all of them.

And that thing is called routine. There are obviously other factors that are important such as resilience and hard work, but everyone knows that. Taylor Swift probably wouldn't be where she is today if she hadn't gone from house to house to get people to sign her. Another factor that makes a difference is connections, and Oprah has a ton of them; her kindness is also a great strength that has helped her meet so many different people and work closely with them.

Routine is one I feel a lot of people take for granted. I know I used to when I was younger. Routine is all about scheduling in time in order to make those connections and do that hard work. Even if you have the biggest idea that is going to be revolutionary, if you don't make time to do it, nothing will happen. Even if you have a huge talent, unless you make time to use it everyday, it's only ever just going to be a talent.

I'm going to walk you through my routine. Keep in mind it's different for everyone. My mind personally works best in the mornings. Now, I am a morning person, I am, I get up early no matter what. But I make my body get up even earlier than early in order to accomplish my tasks. I'm not a published novelist yet. I can't support myself with only writing. Writing is simply a thing I have to fit in on the side. I've grown up with people telling me school comes first and writing has to be my last priority. Yes, it's true school trumps writing. However, I've made extra time in my schedule so that I can make writing just as great of a priority. I don't fit into society's schedule, I make society fit into my own.

Right now I have two jobs. They're both 9-5 type jobs so I'm working all week all day. I know that I can't write in the evenings because I'll be too tired. So, I set an alarm for 4:30-5:00am and I do my writing before I even go to work. At first, I was so mad at myself. I was so tired. But once I got into it, my writing flowed and it made me feel amazing by the end of the day. Instead of hating myself for not doing my writing after work, it's already done when I get home. That way, I can rest and enjoy my well deserved me time.

I get up and do everything in the day. Kobe Bryant did the same thing. He was up in the gym at the crack of dawn while all his teammates were sleeping. The way you get successful is you're up and working while others haven't even started their day yet. Now, some people may work better at night and there's nothing wrong with that. It's the same thing. While others are asleep for the night, you're up at night working. I think you get the idea. Routine is everything.

Organization is too. I write out all of my short and long term goals into a planner and I have daily goals for how I hit them. I have a checklist and I check off each task. It feels so good to check stuff off, you have to try it if you haven't already. It's even more satisfying than watching those fast-paced baking videos on social media.

So my overall advice is to fit in time for that one dream of yours you don't make time for in the day. Yes, I love social work and I love interacting with people in my day and helping people. I do. But my favorite part of my day is getting up super early and writing, knowing that it's going to pay off someday down the road.

While someone's hitting their snooze button to sleep longer, I'm already halfway done with my day. And you could be too.


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