The Origin of Purposes
So I'm a Christian and my faith is very important to me. It's what gives me a purpose in life and what keeps me moving forward. I've recently heard a question: if people don't believe in God, then how do they get through life? What are they living for?
First off, the question in my opinion is pretty biased. People can believe in whatever they choose to believe. It just so happens Christianity is a very dominant religion, just like English is a dominant language. Just because it's dominant doesn't mean it's any more significant than different beliefs or different languages. My friends and I were talking the other day about missionaries and how they try to make more Believers. I agree that missionaries do great work, so long as they are going after Unbelievers who agree to listen. There should be no force. Also, Unbelievers aren't limited to anyone who isn't Christian, and Believers aren't limited to only Christians. There are so many other religions and beliefs that people have that make them Believers in their own beliefs. Trust me, I believe in God and I want to spread that, but not to people who already have their own beliefs.
Here's a list of a bunch of non-Christian religions:
- Buddhism
- Islam
- Hinduism
- Sikhism
- Spiritualism
Personally, I find spiritualism so interesting. I respect the heck out of it. At the end of the day, I believe that me and my loved ones are going to heaven, but I have loved ones who believe in different things. There's nothing wrong with respecting others' beliefs even if they oppose what you believe. When someone tells me about their belief that they don't think anything happens after death, I simply say "that's interesting" and then move on. I don't have to agree but I can respect it.
I do believe that everyone does need to have a purpose though, wherever it may originate or however it may be manifested. Because if we don't believe in something, then what are we doing here? It's what motivates me. My purpose is to help people with their mental health and to write and save lives through words. I wouldn't sit down and write every day if I didn't believe that it was my calling. I feel like we need that. We need to know we're making the world better in some way.
What do you believe in?
